Lost potential is lost revenue. We work with your team to develop a Workforce Talent Strategy that fits your organization’s business goals. We guide your team through a custom assessments program that provides a look into your organization’s current workforce potential. With data-driven results, we analyze and verify which talents[…]
MorePXT Select™
PXT Select™ helps fill in the gap between the resume and the interview. It provides you with actionable data about candidates in a simple to understand format that can help you to interview better and hire smarter.
Profiles Performance Indicator™
The Profiles Performance Indicator™ is a DISC-type assessment that reveals aspects of an individual’s personality that could impact their prospective working relationships with managers, coworkers and teams.
PXT Select™ Sales
Use PXT Select™ Sales to select new hires with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make your sales successful.
Step One Survey®
Save time and money by using the Step One Survey® pre-hire assessment to screen out candidates with the wrong attitudes for your corporate culture.
Customer Service Profile™
The Customer Service Profile™ assessment allows you to identify the best candidates to foster a service culture and interact with your customers.
Checkpoint 360°®
Identify and prioritize development opportunities for your managers with the Checkpoint 360°® Management System that applies feedback from peers, supervisors, direct reports, and customers.
Assisting in the development of employee skills and career paths improves employee engagement and retention.
“Why Performance Management Improves Human Capital ROI”, SHRM Whitepaper, Kirchoff, J., 2006
75% of people voluntarily leaving jobs don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses.
Roger Herman, Human Resources Employee Engagement Statistics
75% of leaders have no engagement plan or strategy even though 90% say engagement impacts on business success.
Nearly 60% of companies face leadership talent shortages which impede performance.
Sue Ashford and Scott DeRue, blogs.hbr.org, Susan M. Heathfield, About.com Guide, 2012
Mentoring benefits organizations by reducing turnover, increasing organizational commitment, promoting knowledge transfer, and making earlier identification of key talent.
C. Gibb, 1999, and G.L. Lewis 1996
You know who your workforce superstars are and what motivates them. Now the challenge is keeping them engaged and building them into leaders. For Millennials, investing in their future is more important than immediate compensation. Programs that improve work skills and future career development are particularly effective at demonstrating your commitment[…]